Your Stuff!

Mommy pushing the stroller

Daddy on his bike

Baby in the stroller

When Dad suggested a hike


So they packed their bags

And took what they should take

They went a little while

And then saw a large snake!


Mommy called Uncle

And told him to bring an arrow and bow

But, Uncle didn't listen

He brought a garden hoe


So, he killed the poor snake

And put him in a hole

I don't know if this story is true

It's just what I was told!


Submitted by Hope McClain, Age 9

Madison Crossroads School

Note from Karen:

Hope, we just love your poems!  You are so talented! 

Hey reader, what about YOU?  Did you just LOVE Hope’s poem?  Do you have something awesome you’ve written?  Send it in!  You could very well be the next “Feature of the Month”!